A little bit of history …
How it all began
In 2003, we initiated the full moon pages that enjoy great popularity in many languages and that turned into the largest platform in the Internet on the subject of the full moon. In addition to the German pages at www.vollmond.info, the growth of the English pages at www.fullmoon.info has been extensive in the last years. This is how people from countries all over the world can meet in the full moonlight.

From the full moon to the new moon
We thought about it for a long time, offering new moon pages as well. But both our desired domains www.neumond.info and www.newmoon.info were not available and we could not convince the owners to sell the domains to us. Suddenly, in 2014, the English domain was for sale and we also recontacted the owner of the German domain, Mr. Bernhard Mirwald, of the German company Neumond – Düfte der Natur [New moon – Nature’s best fragrances], who had reserved the domain for the sale of his essential oils. After many talks we were able to find a solution, so that we could obtain the domain www.neumond.info. The path had been cleared for the new moon pages.

On the new moon pages, we would specifically like to discuss the subject “new beginning”, which is contained in the word “new moon” in so many languages and is also cultural heritage in many traditions.
Everything is new … and has always been here.